
Resolutins for 2013

  1. Be kind
  2. Create a recipe binder and learn to cook a variety of meals
  3. Volunteer
  4. Start a business, no matter how small
  5. Travel somewhere new and exciting
  6. Take good care of myself
  7. Be forward and assertive

I’m back in Frisco, where I’ve been getting organized, going on runs through snow, and touring the Dallas Arboretum’s Chihuly exhibit with Aunt Pam and Mandy.  I’m looking forward to a new year and a fresh start.  I’ve got a good feeling about 2013!

Merry Christmas!


Christmas Eve with my Papa’s family, aka more Great Aunts, Uncles, 2nd and 3rd cousins than I can keep track of.  I’m glad I had the rest of the Wendes clan there to keep me company and provide some very entertaining moments.  And of course nothing can beat my Papa (who’s name is Rudolph) and his rendition of that song about a red nosed reindeer.  He’s pretty cute.


It’s been an amazing Christmas, and I’m thankful for every moment I’ve gotten to spend with family.  Hopefully this can work out every year, no matter what’s going on in our lives (my votes for gathering in Germany and Austria next year!).  Although, crazily enough, Dallas is getting way more snow than Chicago.  So even though my dad and brothers couldn’t join us, I’m glad they’re having a white Christmas.  Hopefully, weather permitting, I will see them (and maybe even some leftover snow) when I fly home tomorrow!

Charming Chicago


We were back in the city today to check out the Christkindlemarket, a German Christmas market in Chicago.  Despite the cold and the crowds, it was fun to explore a celebration of my heritage.  And enjoy bratwurst and hot spiced wine…yum!  I think I need to make a return trip to Germany soon.


We went to Macy’s to see the tree in The Walnut Room.  What a stunner!


We relaxed at Palmer House and enjoyed some champagne and fried cheese curds, beneath a ceiling epic enough to rival those I’ve witnessed in Venice and Florence.


Stopping by Millenium Park to see The Bean and the ice skaters.  I wouldn’t say no to a date taking me here (or about a million other romantic places in this city — I love you, Chicago).


Posing with the lions outside of The Art Institute.


A few bonus shots from our stroll through the city


And then we hopped on the train at Union Station and headed back to Western Springs.  We always ride the train downtown when I visit.  Some of my fondest memories are munching Nuts on Clark popcorn with my brothers on the ride home, after an adventure in the city.  Some things never change 🙂



Learning to make traditional Rouladen for Christmas day dinner.


Another tradition: Chicago-style deep dish pizza at Papa’s to welcome the cousins!  I’ve  basically been in a perpetual food coma all week.


My cousins bring joy to every occasion, and I’m so proud to call them family 🙂


Enjoying a (very cold!) hike at The Morton Arboretum with Aunt Karen and Uncle Al.  It took a cup of hot chocolate to warm us back up, but it really was a beautiful day.


Adorable miniature train set-up at the arboretum.  Morton has so many neat exhibits and activities going on, and it got the hostess in me thinking how fun it would be to curate events at a place like this.


Western Springs is such a sweet, traditional little town, and when all the houses along the streets are lit with Christmas lights, the effect can be quite magical.  After a couple of evenings of driving around to see the lights, we finally put up some of our own.  Christmas, we are ready for you!

Christmas In Chicago


An adorable shop in the little town of Western Springs.


Little Christmas trees decorated by businesses and groups in the community.  My favorite is the one above by an Indian Princess tribe.  (Boy, do I miss my Indian Princess days!)


Auditorium Theatre, where we saw the Nutcracker Ballet performed by the Joffrey Ballet.  Such a fun day, having lunch at The Gage on Michigan Avenue and enjoying champagne during intermission.  I must do days like this more often.


Walking around downtown Chicago.  I adore this city, even in the wind and rain.


Enjoying my cute Papa’s company 🙂


I’ve been wined and dined every evening by my Aunt Karen and Uncle Al.  This is the life!


And this morning I woke up to snow!  It came just in time for the rest of the family to arrive from Texas.  This Christmas in Chicago is just getting started!

Christmas Camera


Christmas came a little early for me this year.  With a little help from Dad, Papa, and the big man in red, I am the proud and very thankful owner of my very first DSLR camera!  I leave for Chicago tomorrow, and I can’t wait to document all the amazing times with family that lie ahead.  

But first, above is a little taste of Frisco at Christmas time.  The Main Square always puts on a spectacular light show each December, and this year it was fun to hear and see the new songs the lights are timed to.  And then there are the blow-ups, right in my front yard, and lining around the block.  I’ve posted about them before, and they are still going strong (although they now require camera surveillance due to a few Grinches).  These are some of my favorite Christmas traditions, ones I hope continue for years to come!

Keep Austin Weird


I had a great final week in Austin!  Last Sunday I baked up a storm, and hosted a small party for some of my closest friends.  The next few days were busy with packing and the beginning of marathon training.

Then Nick came to visit!  We had a great time walking around West 6th street (where there are dozens of small businesses operating out of adorable older homes, basically my new dream) and going too Whole Foods (another first for me!).  I definitely have a new found love for the west side, and it only took me until the day before I moved away from Austin to discover.  But mark my words, I’ll be back!  After inducing a Plucker’s food coma, we mustered up the energy to head a little further east to the dirty later that night.

I arrived back in Frisco yesterday, and with the help of my trusty dog Trek, I have made major progress moving back in and reclaiming my old bedroom.  Tomorrow, I’m going to see the Christmas lights on Main Street, and then on Tuesday I’m Chicago-bound.  I’m pretty excited!

I also had the chance to stop by Mandy’s White Elephant Party last night.  It was so great to see her and Aunt Pam and Uncle Jim and Stephen.  I am always so impressed with everything they do.  They are class acts and I was glad to share the evening with them.

I’m starting to feel a little more in control of my future, and I’m beginning to feel excited again.

I’m Done


“I will remember your small room, the feel of you, the light in the window, your records, your books, our morning coffee, our noons, our nights, our bodies spilled together, sleeping, the tiny flowing currents, immediate and forever. Your leg, my leg, your arm, my arm, your smile and the warmth of you who made me laugh again.” –Charles Bukowski

This is it.  I’ve finished my last class at UT.  I celebrated Thursday with a Texas Tea, dollar margaritas and Christmas movies.  It was really perfect.  Friday began my marathon training, or, in the theme of that night’s party, End of the World training.  Danika and I went out for Tacos N Tequila (so delicious!), spontaneously stopped by the Zilker Tree, and then we found these zombie boys.  And we all danced as if the world was gonna end.

Although we don’t actually think an apocalypse is coming, we know graduation is just a few months away.  And that’s really the same thing, right?


Tent Life


“I felt I was on fire with the things I could’ve told you. I just assumed you eventually would ask.” —Conor Oberst

I’m a dinner party, small hangout kind of girl.  This has always been true, although it took me the first couple of years of college to realize it.  I’m more laid back, I enjoy the intimate company of smaller groups, and to be honest, alcohol-fueled nights just make me feel empty afterwards.  So, I spent Friday night reading and watching Netflix in a tent, and Saturday night watching the game with a small group in The Triangle.

But my days have been empty, and a bit lonely.  I want to get out, to take advantage of the day, but I’ve been feeling uninspired.  I don’t know where to go or what to do or who to call.  I should be using my time more wisely — finding a hobby, starting a business, building my portfolio, running, learning new skills, volunteering.  I need to get out of this funk.  I need new goals.



“If you want to know where your heart is, look at where your mind goes when it wanders.”
— Anonymous

I finally made it back out to Midnight Rodeo last night.  And I’m happy to report that my two-stepping isn’t rusty, although the beer may have helped.  Maybe too much haha.

I also did some doodling for a design idea I have for one of my classmate’s app ideas.  What do I need to do so that I get to do this everyday…for a living?  (Although, I still like the idea of starting my own business.)

On another note, I’m starting to feel some major wanderlust kicking in.  Switzerland, Iceland, Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand (I guess I’ve got a thing for “land’s”), Austria, Norway, Sweden, Turkey, Peru, Argentina, Alaska.  It’s about time I planned a trip.  An adventure to get me out of my rut.