Fredericksburg (Part 1)

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What a weekend!  I don’t think I could have asks for a better couple of days.  On Saturday, I went to Fredericksburg  with my cousin Mandy and Aunt Pam, and we picnicked, did wine tastings, and explored the little German town.  It was good to be with family, and to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery of Hill Country.  I could happily live on a little ranch out there, it’s so peaceful and wonderful.  Texas may not quite have the trees and mountain ranges of the Pacific Northwest, but it makes up for it with the people.

I still need to go through the excessive amount of pictures I have from Sunday at Enchanted Rock, so I’ll post those soon!  I’ll also try to post Days 10-12 of the 30 Day Challenge later today 🙂

One thought on “Fredericksburg (Part 1)

  1. Pingback: Day 10 | Wendes Gray

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