New Mexico (Part 3 of 4)

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We hiked to Williams Lake, and boy was it an adventure.  We hiked 2.5 miles up from Taos Ski Valley (which we could have just driven up…whoops) and searched for the trailhead.  After a few wrong turns, we found it and were on our way on one of the most challenging but beautiful trails of my life.  We risked going sans snowshoes, trusting our luck with our hiking boots.  Luckily, even after the record snowfall, the trail had been packed down enough by past hikers to make our hike possible (I only ended up knee to waist deep in snow a couple of times!).  A nearly 2000-feet rise in elevation later, and we found ourselves treated to the most amazing views.  The lake was frozen over and submerged beneath feet of snow, but it was breathtaking nonetheless.  As you can tell, I went a little picture crazy.  I just couldn’t help myself!  On the way back down to the Ski Valley, we stopped for some German pretzels, burgers and beer at an Inn near the trail.  We followed the road as it wound lower and lower, meeting with the rest of the crew at the bottom.  Worn out, but completely content.

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