Goodbye Austin

A video tribute to my final days in Austin. I’m really excited to start doing more videos to document my favorite experiences. I don’t think this is too bad of a start! Music is by my friends in Ben Baxter Band.

And let’s be real about the title of this post, this is no final farewell.  I’m sure I’ll be back, and I will definitely squeeze in one last trip before my move.

Lake Belton

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“Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
– Eckhart Tolle

I don’t think there is a better way of spending Memorial Weekend than on a lake.  The weather seemed threatening, but when we got there the sun came out to celebrate with us.  It was so good to see these amazing, talented people one more time before I leave.  I’m going to miss summer days like these!

Not picture: jet skiing, island waterfalls, BBQ, puppies everywhere, and late night skinny dipping 😉

Camping along the Medina River

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“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.”
– Frank Lloyd Wright

It was a spur of the moment, rainy camping trip in what may be my new favorite place in Texas.  We grilled up steak and s’mores over the campfire, drank beer, hiked to the top of the cliff face, rafted the river, and learned to fly fish.  It was a great start to the long weekend.  And yes, it was just the start.  More to come!


What Now?

















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“Do what you love. It’s going to lead to where you want to go.”

– Wayne White

And just like that we said goodbye.  Many of my friends have left town for their next adventures, and I’ve got a few weeks to fill between now and Peru.  And I won’t just be packing for the big Portland move.  I’ve got the travel itch, and I’m not good at resisting to scratch it.  So who knows what might pop up! 😉

And Then I Graduated College

“The beauty of things is that they must end.”
– Jack Kerouac

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“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
– Mary Oliver

I am officially a college graduate.  It’s funny, these past few months I was feeling so lost on what would happen after graduation, after I said goodbye to The University of Texas, to my home,  and to this chapter of my life.  It felt like a giant cliff, and I was being pushed off with no bottom in sight.  But now that it’s all over, really over, I feel much more clear on what I want.  I’ve landed safely on my feet.  For the first time, I have an inkling of a 5-year, even a 10-year plan.  I’m sure I can’t predict the specifics or how things will change, but I know I will travel, I will start my own business, I will enjoy the simple things, I will stay in touch with my college friends (because our goodbyes aren’t permanent), and I will meet wonderful new people to share my life with, too.  It’s going to be an amazing chapter.

Life & Waterproof Cameras

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“We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.”
– Charles Kingsley

I’ve been hiding out in Austin for the past couple of weeks, squeezing in the last of the local bucket list items, as well as returning to many of my favorite places.  May is probably the best month to be in this city, and I’ve been having the time of my life.  I’d need a waterproof camera to capture it all, including some of my favorites (SUP on Town Lake and toobing the Guadalupe River).  This falls well into my philosophy that some of the best things in life happen in a swimsuit…those same things require waterproof cameras!

I’ve got two more posts lined up to cover graduation and post-graduation life.  It’s been a whirlwind, and hopefully I can find the words to convey what I’m feeling as I say goodbye and close this chapter of my life.

On Top of the World


“To come home from another home is a weird feeling, because people expect you to be the person you were when you left, and that’s impossible. You expect things to be exactly the same as when you left, and that’s impossible. Maybe it’s impossible to even truly come home once you’ve gone away because of those changes. Coming home is strange, because now that place is just a tiny bit less of a home.” – Alex Brueckner

Town Lake.  Zilker Park.  Graffiti Park.  Franklin’s BBQ.  UT Tower Tour.  Color Run – Austin.  I’m going to let the pictures do the talking.


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Just got back from an amazing weekend in Austin, and I’m excited to share the pictures soon!  But first, on a somewhat related note, I am graduating!  You can find out more at!

I can hardly believe it.  I don’t plan to participate in walking the stage, which most people have been very respectful of, although I can tell one or two of my friends are disappointed about.  I’m just not a ceremony person.  Although I am looking forward to the celebration at the UT Tower, when they’ll light it up with a big ’13 and send fireworks into the sky.  I’ll be there for that!