Breckenridge & the Cabin

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“We waste so many days waiting for weekend. So many nights wanting morning. Our lust for future comfort is the biggest thief of life.”

Post-graduation festivities, I was feeling a bit restless.  My early road trip plans had fallen through weeks before, but I still felt the need to go somewhere.  So I texted a good friend, who I knew was also feeling the same restlessness, and we made last-minute plans to travel up to her family’s cabin in Breckenridge, CO.  Gotta love friends who are game for spontaneous road trips (and who have grandfathers with the foresight to build a cabin with his own two hands in Breckenridge, years before it became a booming ski town)!

We were surprised to find snow this late in the spring, but that didn’t stop us from exploring.  Our first full day there, we hiked around the town, checking out interesting shops and the local Breckenridge Brewery.  I don’t recommend sipping an IPA or testing out some flights pre-slackline session, though.  It was a relaxing start, and we were able to talk to some locals and start piecing together an itinerary for the rest of the week.  I’ve never travelled with so little research done prior, and I may never again.

I took a bazillion pictures, so I’ve broken things up into multiple posts that I’ll schedule for throughout the days leading up to Peru 🙂

New Mexico (Part 3 of 4)

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We hiked to Williams Lake, and boy was it an adventure.  We hiked 2.5 miles up from Taos Ski Valley (which we could have just driven up…whoops) and searched for the trailhead.  After a few wrong turns, we found it and were on our way on one of the most challenging but beautiful trails of my life.  We risked going sans snowshoes, trusting our luck with our hiking boots.  Luckily, even after the record snowfall, the trail had been packed down enough by past hikers to make our hike possible (I only ended up knee to waist deep in snow a couple of times!).  A nearly 2000-feet rise in elevation later, and we found ourselves treated to the most amazing views.  The lake was frozen over and submerged beneath feet of snow, but it was breathtaking nonetheless.  As you can tell, I went a little picture crazy.  I just couldn’t help myself!  On the way back down to the Ski Valley, we stopped for some German pretzels, burgers and beer at an Inn near the trail.  We followed the road as it wound lower and lower, meeting with the rest of the crew at the bottom.  Worn out, but completely content.

New Mexico (Part 2 of 4)

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I hadn’t been snowboarding in years.  Years!  It was very questionable to me if I still even knew what to do once I was strapped into a board.  I’m happy to say that it all came back to me as soon as we got up the slope (right after I wiped out trying to get of the lift…which will forever be my weakness).  It was fun flying down the hills, and by flying I mean slowly, carefully making my way down as I practiced my turns.  And enjoying the view on the way.  At the end our runs we enjoyed a couple of beers at a German bar at the foot of the slopes, capping of a great day the right way if you ask me.

New Mexico (Part 1 of 4)

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Some shots of my future home.

Seriously though, this is the place we rented for our Spring Break in New Mexico, and it was a dream.  Every time we pulled up the drive, every time I walked through the front door, I just had to say “wow.”  I instantly gravitated to a book from its library by the founder of Patagonia (Let My People Go Surfing), and I spent most of my free time devouring it in that little green chair looking out on the mountains and valley.   It snowed throughout our first evening there, which was almost as beautiful as when the clouds finally cleared, giving way to even more spectacular views.  At night, after we had worn ourselves out snowboarding and hiking and shopping, we’d settle down with a glass of wine, or a beer in the jacuzzi, and toasts s’mores in one of the many fire places.  We’d turn out the porch lights and find our favorite constellations in the stars.  And then we’d sleep, soundly, until the sun rose and filled the house with light.  And so would begin another perfect day.



“The only thing I know is this: I am full of wounds and still standing on my feet.” –Nikos Kazantzakis

I’ve spend a lot of time alone over the past couple of days.  From the outside, it would seem like I’m not up to much.  But really I’ve been taking control of my future, or at least control of what is in my power.  I’ve been creating budgets (inspired by reading Total Money Makeover), making travel plans (Peru may be happening this summer!), and doing a lot of self-reflecting (which has actually been very healing).  I feel much better knowing that, wherever I may end up in the next few months, I have a game plan.

All my friends are back to classes, but I still have one more week.  And I’m not going to put pressure on myself to do anything.


Resolutins for 2013

  1. Be kind
  2. Create a recipe binder and learn to cook a variety of meals
  3. Volunteer
  4. Start a business, no matter how small
  5. Travel somewhere new and exciting
  6. Take good care of myself
  7. Be forward and assertive

I’m back in Frisco, where I’ve been getting organized, going on runs through snow, and touring the Dallas Arboretum’s Chihuly exhibit with Aunt Pam and Mandy.  I’m looking forward to a new year and a fresh start.  I’ve got a good feeling about 2013!