New Mexico (Part 2 of 4)

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I hadn’t been snowboarding in years.  Years!  It was very questionable to me if I still even knew what to do once I was strapped into a board.  I’m happy to say that it all came back to me as soon as we got up the slope (right after I wiped out trying to get of the lift…which will forever be my weakness).  It was fun flying down the hills, and by flying I mean slowly, carefully making my way down as I practiced my turns.  And enjoying the view on the way.  At the end our runs we enjoyed a couple of beers at a German bar at the foot of the slopes, capping of a great day the right way if you ask me.

New Mexico (Part 1 of 4)

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Some shots of my future home.

Seriously though, this is the place we rented for our Spring Break in New Mexico, and it was a dream.  Every time we pulled up the drive, every time I walked through the front door, I just had to say “wow.”  I instantly gravitated to a book from its library by the founder of Patagonia (Let My People Go Surfing), and I spent most of my free time devouring it in that little green chair looking out on the mountains and valley.   It snowed throughout our first evening there, which was almost as beautiful as when the clouds finally cleared, giving way to even more spectacular views.  At night, after we had worn ourselves out snowboarding and hiking and shopping, we’d settle down with a glass of wine, or a beer in the jacuzzi, and toasts s’mores in one of the many fire places.  We’d turn out the porch lights and find our favorite constellations in the stars.  And then we’d sleep, soundly, until the sun rose and filled the house with light.  And so would begin another perfect day.

Christmas In Chicago


An adorable shop in the little town of Western Springs.


Little Christmas trees decorated by businesses and groups in the community.  My favorite is the one above by an Indian Princess tribe.  (Boy, do I miss my Indian Princess days!)


Auditorium Theatre, where we saw the Nutcracker Ballet performed by the Joffrey Ballet.  Such a fun day, having lunch at The Gage on Michigan Avenue and enjoying champagne during intermission.  I must do days like this more often.


Walking around downtown Chicago.  I adore this city, even in the wind and rain.


Enjoying my cute Papa’s company 🙂


I’ve been wined and dined every evening by my Aunt Karen and Uncle Al.  This is the life!


And this morning I woke up to snow!  It came just in time for the rest of the family to arrive from Texas.  This Christmas in Chicago is just getting started!

Gulf Shores


That’s how you know you love someone, I guess, when you can’t experience anything without wishing the other person were there to see it, too. — Kaui Hart Hemmings

We are on the beach and life is good.  If I made a list of my favorite things, it would be well reflected in these photos.  I’ve got quite a bit to be thankful for.

I’m thankful for friends to share books with and family to share breakfast with.  I’m thankful for baking sessions with Alexis and for $1 margs at El Arroyo every Thursday with the gang.  I’m thankful for road trips and new experiences.  I’m thankful for the little things.  I’m thankful for all the good memories this year has given me.

I’m thankful to be graduating debt free to a full-time job at a respected company.  I’m thankful to have discovered early what I am passionate about.  I’m thankful for my ability to pursue it, and for all who have reached out to me in the process.

I’m giving thanks a day early, and I am thankful everyday. I am a lucky girl.